Tuesday 5 April 2011

Like Mother Like... Daughter?

The recent news on the child dancing like a stripper on national television is beginning to wind down. I thought that was bad, and then at one of the forums where I actively read, I see this pretty recent article:

A mother injecting her 8-year old botox for a beauty pageant. This is wrong on so many levels, I can't even begin to describe it.

Botox. Eight years old.

Yeah. This is way, way up there on the parents-can-be-such-uncaring-dumbasses list for me.



  1. Have you heard of that news wherein these parents actually had their son have a sex change? This made their son the youngest transsexual. He (or she) was not even ten years old, he was much younger. Not that I have anything against the third race or something, but I just don't get it with these people nowadays.

  2. The fact that parents will do something like that to their under-age child is nothing short of barbarism.

    And no, thank God I have NOT heard of that before.

  3. I was wrong. He (or she) was actually older than ten. This kid started hormone treatment at the age of twelve.

    Here's a link: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1705951.ece

  4. Good God, that's still too young!

    Thanks for the link.
