Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Entrance Exam

I am tired. Exhausted. Mentally drained.

Went to La Salle at 12.30 pm. The ever-so-kind Manila traffic made me reach school at 1pm. Exam started at 1.30 pm.

Met a new friend. Luis Ignacio, a Spanish dude, taking up Legal Management. Such a pleasant fellow. He even lent me a pencil when mine went missing. Went out for carbonara with him after exam. Discussed the paper. He's a Math whiz from Ateneo. Lucky bugger.


60 IQ Questions. 40 minutes.
70 Language Questions. 35 minutes.
Break. 15 minutes.
40 Math Questions. 50 minutes.
40 Science Questions. 25 minutes.
250-word essay. 15 minutes.

Time pressure sucks. Big time. It SUCKS.

I need sleep. I'm drained.
