Saturday, 8 March 2008

This Week's Recap

A pretty eventful week.
Political campaigning.. Dance practices.. Dinners.. Family shit.. All in one package.

Let's start good.

On Day 4 of TAPAT's campaigning, the color was black so since both Gayle and I are TAPAT..

Lunch at Z2, one of the cafeterias in La Salle.

Friday. 7 days to go to CBE Oscars. Sheeaaaatt.. I really need to put more practice time.

During Skittlez dance practice for CBE Oscars.

Proudly the Skittle girls.

Fast becoming a new member, Jake Go.

Saturday, all alone in my apartment now. Too lazy to cook dinner.

Dinner at Kenny Roger's Roasters.

Their sandwiches are nice.
And yeah, I'll be fine.



  1. Don't worry I'm here=)
    Next time I'll cook for you so you don't have to eat outside=)
    Hugs!! *love love*

  2. Gusto ko po ng gulay. LOL.
    If you cook veggies for me you have to eat some too. =)

  3. HAHA! The girls have the weirdest poses XD


  4. That's what makes you girls Skittlez. =)
